to our small, local church community where you can know everyone’s name

Zion Lutheran Church of Everett

The Zion Lutheran Church of Everett is a small revitalizing community of faith that had its beginnings over 115 years ago.  Back then, the church’s mission was to serve the Scandinavian immigrants coming in droves to the United States and to the Pacific Northwest. These days the neighbors have changed but we still seek to love and serve our current neighbors as we love and serve God..

At Zion Lutheran we are unanimously committed to embrace people of all backgrounds.

The Gathering

Sundays at 10am

We call our worship service on Sunday mornings “The Gathering.” It’s a new partnership between Zion Lutheran Church and Pathways Church. We are two separate churches with different backgrounds and traditions but partnering together because the things we have in common matter more to us than any stylistic differences. We blend formal liturgical elements with less-formal modern worship elements. We have a worship team with guitars and drums, but we often play the pipe organ too. It’s fun mix of people learning to listen to and love each other.

You can learn more about it by clicking the link below:


When you walk through our doors, you will feel the warmth. Where does that warmth come from? It comes from a small congregation where everyone knows each other’s name and cares about one another. Nowhere in the Bible does it say you need to worship with hundreds of people. Instead Jesus said, “for where two or three are gathered in my name, there am I among them”. If you are looking for a large congregation, we wish you well in your search because we don’t fit that definition.

We don’t care what you wear, where you live or how you make your living.  We’re a group of parishioners who come together to worship God and ask for his forgiveness.

Haven’t been to Zion Before? Here’s some guidance on what you should expect…

  • Friendly people: We LOVE it when new people visit. Because we’re small, we notice first-time visitors so don’t be overwhelmed if numerous people say hello.

  • Informal atmosphere: We want you to feel relaxed when you come so feel free to wear whatever is comfortable. Our dress code is simple: wear something.

  • Engaging Sermons: Have you been tempted to fall asleep during a long-winded sermon? Not at Zion! Our messages are aimed at helping us stay engaged and learning in a way that relates to our real life.

  • Rotating rooms: We believe in worshiping Christ in various settings so don’t be surprised if we aren’t in the sanctuary when you come (we’ll have signage so you don’t get lost)

  • Family-oriented: If you bring your kids, they’ll feel right at home! They can stay through the sermon, if necessary you may excuse yourself to the preschool room for privacy.

  • Diversity: All are welcome. As stated in Colossians 3:11, “Here there is not Greek and Jew, circumcised and uncircumcised, barbarian, Scythian, slave, free; but Christ is all, and in all”.

  • Fellowship: After the service, head to the narthex and grab a cup coffee/cookie then sit wherever you’d like! We promise not to speak publicly. Just visit with the people at your table.

If you have any specific questions, contact us. We hope to meet you this Sunday!


At Zion Lutheran we are unanimously committed to embrace people of all backgrounds. We welcome anyone who desires to be part of our inclusive congregation; from any ethnicity; skeptical or assured; rich or poor; liberal or conservative; from any gender identity or sexual orientation; cognitively aware or affected; healthy or ill; tired or energetic; silly or serious because we believe that each person has been made in God’s image and should be loved and celebrated for who they are.

Zion Lutheran Church is formally recognized as a Reconciling in Christ congregation. Follow this link to learn more about this program. CLICK HERE to read an article that was featured in the Everett Herald about this how this decision occurred for Zion.



Zion Lutheran Church of Everett

4634 Alger Ave, Everett WA

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